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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hot Off The Press! Time To "Rock Your Business."

Rock Your Business
What You And Your Company Can Learn From The Business Of Rock And Roll

Dear Friends,
For the last 15 years, it has been my pleasure to watch all my camp’s participants live out their rock ‘n’ roll fantasies. I’ve written a book titled “Rock Your Business: What you and your company can learn from the business of rock ‘n’ roll” (BenBella Books), which will be released on September 4th. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to co-write the book with best selling New York Times author, Michael Levin and I hope this book will inspire corporate America, business executives, aspiring college students, entrepreneurs, and music fans with big ideas to follow their dreams.

From evaluating your idea and finding partners to creating a business plan and crafting the perfect pitch, I hope to offer entrepreneurs practical, sound business advice.  “Rock Your Business” is about what you and your business can learn from my experience in rock ‘n’ roll.  By reading this book, I hope you will absorb the many lessons one learns while working in the music industry, and then be able to apply the lessons to your own success and growth.  A past camper, Frank Pawlak, who has attended camp twice said, “...not sure what’s more impressive about the rock camps... whether it’s the way it makes you a better musician, or how it sharpens your skills so you can become a more intuitive manager.”

Thanks for your support!
David Fishof
President - Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp

Special Discount Pricing!

Order 10 and receive:
Signed by author

Order 50 and receive:
Signed by author
1 copy of David’s 1st book, “Putting It On The Line”
$100 credit for a camp spot within the next year

Order 100 and receive:
Signed by author
$350 credit for a camp spot within the next year

Order 250 and receive:
Signed by author
$1,000 credit for a camp spot within the next year

Order 500 and receive:
Signed by author
David Fishof will speak FOR FREE at your next meeting or event (air & hotel not included) 

To Redeem Your Special Offer
and fax to: (323) 934-5799
or mail to:
6222 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 230
Los Angeles, CA 90048
or call Karen at 888.762.2263 EXT: 3
Hopefully, you returned from camp with a newfound excitement for life and took that motivation into your day-to-day activities. I’d appreciate it if you would share that experience with your peers, and would be honored if you would help me promote my book on Facebook and Twitter. See sample posts below:

Rock Your Career! What you can learn from the business of rock and roll. Read “Rock Your Business” by @dfishof out Sept 4th

@dfishof’s @RockFantasyCamp makes fantasies reality. Learn how to make your dreams come true by reading his book “Rock Your Business”

@dfishof helps entrepreneurs in all industries make their business dreams and fantasies a reality

How to reach your entrepreneurial dreams and “Rock Your Business” read @dfishof’s new book out Sept 4